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prototypingSuccessful software products create their own challenges - demand for new features, latest technology, pressure to minimize upgrade problems and reduce prices. Companies sustaining software products must upgrade software faster, minimize bugs with each release, support customers at all levels, and maintain satisfaction levels.

Post-market existence comprises the majority of the lifecycle of a software product and must be scientifically maintained in order to manifest the product's full capability and return on investment. While you focus on innovation and developing new products, SVK Infotech takes the responsibility of nurturing your existing and mature products. SVK Infotech helps you to reduce the cost of ownership and maximize ROI for the existing product lines by releasing your valuable resources for developing new products. As a specialist in product engineering, we understand the critical role that Sustenance engineering plays in the product's long-term success.

SVK Infotech's Prototyping Benefits

  • Clarify requirements
  • Increase understanding of a conceptual system
  • Provide design focus and direction
  • Compare alternative design choices
  • Involve business stakeholders
  • Involve end-users
  • Help visualize and model workflows
  • To identify things that won't work early
  • To demonstrate how a built system will work
  • To gain support from senior management or investors.